What is true zeal for God’s justice? It is following the Lord’s instructions. Even when that path might mean trouble, suffering. Why did Israel suffer those two defeats in battle? The Lord had told them to go up against Benjamin. But they then suffered great losses. Some say this was the Lord’s judgment on Israel for their other sins in the time of the judges. Perhaps. But there is something more going on. Israel’s defeats point to the mysterious ways of the Lord. They receive his divine guidance, his Word. They do what he says. But they see no evidence of his help. Is this not the mystery of the Christian experience as well? The Lord in his Word might call us to do certain things, but as we then do those things, we may not see the results we want. Does that mean we are out of favour with the Lord? Or that he is dealing with us in one of his mysterious ways, which are always wise and good? He even lets us speak to him as we might struggle through following his Word. Israel had Phinehas the high priest. We have direct access to our Father today, in the midst of our struggles and troubles that come from the very hand of our mysterious, wise, loving, just Father.
18 The people of Israel arose and went up to Bethel and inquired of God, “Who shall go up first for us to fight against the people of Benjamin?” And the LORD said, “Judah shall go up first.”