1. Exodus 7:1 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Exodus 7:1 (Summary)

Exodus 7:1 (ESV)

1 And the LORD said to Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet.

Moses shall stand before Pharaoh like God. What does this mean?

He will speak on behalf of God; his message is God’s message. This is similar to when an angel speaks on behalf of God, as in Exodus 3:2, when the angel of the Lord appears to Moses, and in Exodus 3:4 we are told that God called to him out of the bush. Who is the angel of the Lord in Exodus 3:2?

Moses is a representative of God, and acts on God’s behalf.

He is as a god for the Pharaoh, who is revered as a god. The Pharaoh sees himself as more than a human (a god incarnate), but Moses is his equal.

Moses is a god who speaks, not as the idols who have a mouth but can not speak (Psalm 135:16). Aaron is his speaker, his prophet. Moses, as a prophet of God, is now, himself as a god, with Aaron as his prophet.

Moses is a unique prophet (see Numbers 12:6–8). In Numbers 12:2, Aaron and Miriam set themselves up as equal to Moses, and it displeases God (see Numbers 12:9).