The Israelites, who had come together from across the land to ensure that the worthless fellows of Gibeah be brought to justice for their rape of one woman, now disband and go home. They are satisfied that although they had a hand in the massacre of thousands and the abduction and effective rape of two hundred girls, the outcome is good and the status quo has been restored. So everyone can go home, get what they want, and live happily ever after. The twelve tribes have been preserved, and will remain as they were meant to be.
Not really! This is no longer the Israel of old, the Israel of Moses and Joshua. That has been replaced by something that bears the outward form, but whose inner values are not Israelite, but Canaanite. As someone wrote, the Book of Judges closes upon Canaan masquerading as the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
1 Everyone goes home, but without spiritual healing.
24 And the people of Israel departed from there at that time, every man to his tribe and family, and they went out from there every man to his inheritance.