I Introduction
Briefly summarize the conversion of Saul, how it is a fascinating story that is well known.
II God’s plan to include the Gentiles
A Explain: What is the literary context for Saul’s conversion in the book of Acts?
B Explain: What does the conversion of Saul show about God’s plan to include the Gentiles in his church?
C Explain: How does the repetition of Damascus confirm that it is God’s plan to include Gentiles in his church?
D Apply: Should we expect similar conversion experiences to that of Saul amongst Christians today?
E Explain: What do the actions of Ananias show about the appropriate response towards Saul?
F Apply: What should our attitude be as Christians to the letters that we have in the Bible which were written by Saul?
III God’s sovereignty and care for his church
A Explain/Apply: What does the conversion of Saul show us about God’s sovereignty in salvation? Who works a true faith in the heart of God’s chosen people?
B Apply: Are there any people who cannot be converted by God in response to the preaching of his Word?
C Explain/Apply: What does the conversion of Saul show about the love of Christ for his church?
D Explain: What has Christ done to demonstrate his love for God’s chosen people? What are the benefits that come to the Christian as a result of their union with Christ?
Heavenly Father, thank you that you are building a catholic church and that we are part of it. Thank you for sending your Son to bear the punishment that our sins deserve and to obey your law in our place. Thank you for raising up godly men to proclaim your Word to us and working powerfully in our hearts by your Spirit to bring us to faith. As we think back on our lives, we can see your sovereign hand over every aspect of it. The friends you have given us, the families in which we were raised, the circumstances that led us to look for answers from your Word – you arrested Saul on his way to Damascus and so you have also arrested every one of us.
Father, we are encouraged to read of your love and concern for us. We have heard this morning how our suffering is known to your Son, that he is not blind to it and that he is able to intervene when it suits his purposes. May we be comforted by this knowledge and confident that our Lord will set all things right when he returns in glory. As we wait for that day, help us to submit to your Word as proclaimed by the apostles, especially when you teach us something which we do not want to hear. We pray that this will be a reality in our own lives and in the life of our church. Amen.
1 But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest