1. Lamentations 5:8 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Lamentations 5:8 (Summary)

Lamentations 5:8 (ESV)

8 Slaves rule over us; there is none to deliver us from their hand.

Jerusalem was once a queen among the nations (Lamentations 1:1), but is now reduced to a poor servant. The Babylonian officials who are now in power in Judah are contemptuously called slaves. It might be that Babylon sent their former slaves to represent them in Judah. This would be a great humiliation for the Judeans, and they could clearly not expect to be treated well by these officials. The Lord had formerly warned his people: “I will make boys their officials, mere children will govern them” (Isaiah 3:4). Now that this is happening, the hope is that the Lord will see and have mercy.