Job 3:1–37:24 (ESV)

1 After this Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth.

Job 3:1–26 – Job's Opening Words

Job 4:1 – 14:22 – First Round of Speeches

  • Job 4:1 – 5:27 – Eliphaz

  • Job 6:1 – 7:21 – Job answers

  • Job 8:1–22 – Bildad

  • Job 9:1 – 19:29 – Job answers

  • Job 11:1–20 — Zophar

  • Job 12:1 – 14:22 – Job answers

Job 15:1 – 21:34 – Second Round of Speeches

  • Job 15:1–35 – Eliphaz

  • Job 16:1 – 17:16 – Job answers

  • Job 18:1–21 – Bildad

  • Job 19:1–29 – Job answers

  • Job 20:1–29 – Zophar

  • Job 21:1–34 – Job answers

Job 22:1 – 31:40 – Third Round of Speeches

  • Job 22:1–30 – Eliphaz

  • Job 23:1 – 24:25 – Job answers

  • Job 25:1–6 – Bildad

  • Job 26:1 – 31:40 – Job answers

Job 32:1 – 37:24 – Elihu Speaks

  • Job does not answer