1. Ezra 8:18 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What is suggested by the phrase "hand of God"?

Ezra 8:18 (ESV)

18 And by the good hand of our God on us, they brought us a man of discretion, of the sons of Mahli the son of Levi, son of Israel, namely Sherebiah with his sons and kinsmen, 18;

The phrase hand of God is used extensively throughout Ezra 7 and 8 (Ezra 7:6, Ezra 7:9, Ezra 7:28; Ezra 8:18, Ezra 8:22, Ezra 8:31), and it also appears in Nehemiah (Nehemiah 2:8, Nehemiah 2:18). Here it seems to suggest that the Lord was acting in a way that resulted in prosperity and security for a particular individual.

Even though only thirty-eight Levites and two hundred and twenty temple servants are willing to join Ezra’s caravan, this small number must not be seen in a negative light. Instead, this number must be seen as a testimony to the hand of God.1