1. Proverbs 21:13 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Proverbs 21:13 (Summary)

Proverbs 21:13 (ESV)

13 Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered.

The truth of this proverb often gets proven in this life, but it will especially become apparent on the day of judgment. Think of Jesus’ story about Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19–31). Think also of his warning that he will judge people according to the mercy that they have shown to his “brothers” who needed help (Matthew 25:31–46). These warnings of Jesus, as well as this proverb of Solomon, are intended for the people of God. We have the Word of God, in which God repeatedly tells us to show mercy. Let us not be like the rich man in Jesus’ story, who regretted not listening when it was already too late.

See also Proverbs 3:27–28, Proverbs 3:34; Proverbs 11:26; Proverbs 14:21.