In the book of Ezra, there only two occasions in which God’s character is described: Ezra 3:11 (The Lord is good) and Ezra 9:15 (The Lord is righteous). All the events that have taken place from Ezra 1:1 to Ezra 3:10 have been a demonstration of the Lord’s goodness and his love towards Israel.
God’s goodness is God’s special favour towards his people.1
Of all the things said to endure forever in the OT, God’s loyalty, his steadfast love or mercy, is mentioned most often.2 Despite the sins of the people of Israel, God has not forsaken them (Ezra 9:9). He promised that they would come back to Jerusalem, that once again the sounds of gladness would be heard, and that the people would sing his praise (Jeremiah 33:10–11).
The return from exile, the resettlement in the land of Judah, the building of the altar, the laying of the foundations of the temple, all these events testify to the fact that the Lord is good and his love toward Israel endures forever.
11 And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the LORD, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel.”And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.