1. Amos 7:6 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Does the LORD really listen to the voice of Amos and change his mind about bringing judgment?

Amos 7:6 (ESV)

6 The LORD relented concerning this: “This also shall not be,” said the Lord GOD.

The Bible teaches us that God is immutable: he does not change in his being, nor does he change his mind (Malachi 3:6).1 Amos certainly has not convinced God to act differently to his original plan. Instead, what these verses show us is that God wants to show mercy in the face of judgment. He has sent Amos to pray for Israel with the intent that his prayers would be the means of delaying judgment and achieving God’s purposes. The Lord is Sovereign, Almighty and Omniscient; he is not subject to creatures of dust stamped with his image.