It is possible that the reference in Amos’ prophecy is to the time of Jehoram, when Philistines and Arabs invaded Judah, entered Jerusalem, plundered the palace, carried off members of the royal household (2 Chronicles 21:16–17), plundered the temple (Joel 3:5), and then sold people into slavery (Joel 3:3, Joel 3:6).1 Alternatively it could refer to numerous times where the Philistines raided the neighbouring towns of Judah and Israel and sold their prisoners to Edom.2 This second option seems most likely since both foreign and Israelite law allowed for taking captive prisoners of war (Deuteronomy 20:10–11; 2 Chronicles 28:8). The crime of the Philistines then is not military action in war but the wholesale kidnapping of peaceful people for the purpose of turning a profit.3 Mosaic law required death for kidnapping and selling into slavery (Exodus 21:16). The misuse and abuse of helpless people for the sake of profit is inexcusable.4
6 Thus says the LORD: “For three transgressions of Gaza, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they carried into exile a whole people to deliver them up to Edom.