In the final indictment against Israel we learn that God’s people have bought in to the values of the nations around them. The people of Israel have become just like the pagans who do not know the Lord. As a result, their society is full of rampant materialism, sexual perversions, widespread abuse of power, miscarriage of justice, and the exploitation of people. Where they were meant to be a light to the nations, they are no better than the people around them. They might be religious, they may be circumcised and part of the covenant community, but they have ignored God’s commandments and trampled on his people.
Yet despite hearing these words, maybe they were still thinking to themselves, So what? We know we are not perfect—we sin, we make mistakes—but God is gracious. He has rescued us from Egypt and brought us into this land. He drove out the Amorites before us and fed us in the wilderness. We are safe from God’s wrath because we are his people, we are part of the covenant community. We have the promises made to Abraham; we are not basing our hope on obedience to the law of Moses.
Now it is certainly true that God had privileged them above all other nations—they received his law at Sinai; they were given prophets to remind them of God’s glory; they even had Nazarites living among them—men and women who were examples of the obedience that comes from faith. But what did they do with these privileges? They forced the Nazarites to ignore their vows and drink wine. And they told the prophets to stay quiet. They may have received wonderful blessings and privileges, but they were not interested in knowing God. They were not interested in living in relationship with him. The promises made to Abraham were not embraced by faith, which is why they were not concerned with keeping God’s law. Being dead in their sins, they thought that privilege led to safety. We are safe because we are descendants of Abraham. We are safe because we belong to the covenant community. We are safe because we have been circumcised.
No, says the Lord. For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment
(Amos 2:6). Your covenant privileges have not been translated into true faith and the obedience that comes from faith. Therefore you will face the same judgment as the nations. There is no forgiveness, there is no mercy, there is no salvation where there is no repentance and faith.
Israel thought they were safe from God’s judgment because they enjoyed certain privileges. But this was not true. Safety from the judgment of God does not come from privilege but through faith. Only those who have true faith in God are considered righteous in his sight (Genesis 15:6). And this faith shows itself in a willingness to listen to the Lord and a desire to obey him.
In the New Testament, Jesus Christ taught the same message. One must be born again to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Only those who believe in Jesus Christ can have their sins forgiven and enjoy eternal life with God in his presence (John 3:15–16). This forgiveness is possible because the wrath that our sins deserve have been paid by Jesus Christ. The fires of judgment have passed us by and have fallen upon him instead of us. As a result, those who have faith in Jesus Christ will be able to stand in the assembly of the righteous (Psalm 1:5). They will stand not because they trust in privilege but because they trust in Jesus Christ.
Today there are many privileges in which we might be tempted to put our trust to save us from God’s wrath. Some people think their baptism, their membership in a church, or their doing of good deeds will save them. As long as they have one of these three things, they do not need to worry about obedience and can continue to live as they please. But the words of Amos are a warning to us. There is a day of judgment and it cannot be escaped on account of feigned ignorance or decades of privilege. The Lord is perfectly just and he will punish sin. Do not put your hope in privilege. Do not think that because you belong to Jesus, the warnings of Scripture can be ignored and you can simply carry on living as you please. There is no salvation where there is no repentance and faith. If you belong to Christ, you must listen to the voice of the Lord.
6 Thus says the LORD: “For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals