This is the length of time the Lord permits the Gentiles to trample the church underfoot. The number equates to 3.5 years and to 1260 days (30 days per month) and is the equivalent of time, times and half a time
(Revelation 12:14). Each of these numbers denotes a limited time in which a portion of God’s plan for his church gathering work throughout the era between Jesus’ ascension and his return is played out. There is a season for prophesying and a season for persecution in the ebb and flow of the history God has determined as he advances his kingdom. The use of the term months
in this verse (instead of days or years) affects how the duration of the trampling is perceived. Days
would be more intense; years
would be more protracted. Though it may seem a long time, the period of persecution is finite.
2 but do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months.