1. Hosea 1:3–9 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What are the names of the 3 children of Hosea and Gomer and what do they mean?

Hosea 1:3–9 (ESV)

3 So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.

Hosea and Gomer receive two sons and one daughter. The first son is called Jezreel. This is the name of a town. Read about that in 2 Kings 9:1 – 10:36. This name reminds us of a bad period in history. First, King Ahab who had his neighbour Naboth murdered to become the owner of a piece of land. Then it also reminds us of King Jehu, who took revenge and went much too far in executing Ahab’s punishment by slaughtering his house. God has not forgotten this and will punish it.

The second child is a daughter Lo‑Ruhamah: not loved. This name shows that God’s patience with his people will come to an end one day. God is patient indeed. See Hosea 1:7: the two tribes of Judah are spared when the ten tribes are punished. But his patience will run out.

And the third child is another son: Lo‑Ammi, not my people. There is a climax in these names. With the third name, one understands: it is done. God breaks the bond. God actually leaves his people. He does not want to see his name connected to them any longer. End of marriage, divorce.