1. 1 Thessalonians 1:4–5 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon Outline for 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5

1 Thessalonians 1:4–5 (ESV)

4 For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you,

  1. Introduction

  2. We know that people are elect when we see them turn to God in repentance and faith.

    • Election comes from God’s free and sovereign choice (explanation of election).

    • Paul knew the Thessalonians’ election by their effectual call, evidenced in conversion.

    • We may be assured of our election if we are sincerely trusting Christ alone for salvation.

    • Election gives us great assurance in our faith.

  3. Election is cause for us to be humble and to honour God.

    • God’s election was Paul’s ultimate reason for thanking God for the Thessalonians’ lives.

    • Knowledge of our election teaches us humility.

    • Knowledge of our election teaches us to give glory to God alone for our salvation.

  4. Election is the basis of our family relationships in the body of Christ.

    • Election is intimately bound up with God’s love, which makes us brothers and sisters.

    • It is important to cultivate transparent personal relationships, both in our evangelism and our church life.

  5. Conclusion