1. Amos 5:26 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Do both the names Sikkuth and Kiyyun refer to gods?

Amos 5:26 (ESV)

26 You shall take up Sikkuth your king, and Kiyyun your star-god your images that you made for yourselves,

Most likely this verse is referring to two Assyrian gods. An alternative translation of the verse is as follows: You have lifted up Sakkuth your king and Kaiwan your idols, your star gods. Israel has been worshipping the gods of Assyria. Thus, the gods of Assyria occupied the hearts of Israel long before the armies of Assyria would come to occupy its streets and towns.1 Thus the abuse of the sacrificial system was not the only problem in the northern kingdom of Israel. The people also rejected the Lord and their covenant with him through idolatry, worshipping other gods.2