1. Joshua 14:1–15 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Joshua 14

Joshua 14:1–15 (ESV)

1 These are the inheritances that the people of Israel received in the land of Canaan, which Eleazar the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the heads of the fathers’ houses of the tribes of the people of Israel gave them to inherit.

  • Introduction

    Remind God’s people as to the lists which characterize the second half of the book of Joshua

    Explain the nervousness that would have been present in the camp of Israel following the news that they must drive out the remaining Canaanites in their allotted areas

    Comment on the impact that Caleb would have had on God’s people 

  • The Lord always does what he promises

    • Explain how Caleb built his life on God’s promises

    • Explain: what are the promises which God has made to us?

    • Apply: how are we reacting to God’s promises? Are we basing our lives upon them?

  • Obedience to God can result in loneliness and isolation

    • Explain how Caleb’s faith resulted in loneliness and isolation

    • Explain how loneliness and isolation are often the result of true faith in God

    • Explain how Christ was the only one who was ever truly alone because of his obedience to the Father

    • Apply: encourage God’s church to trust God even if all people should oppose them

  • Wholehearted obedience in response to God’s provision

    • Explain what it meant for Caleb to follow God wholeheartedly

    • Apply: what are some of the things that prevent us from wholehearted obedience? 

    • Explain: how does Caleb point forward to Jesus Christ? Why has the Spirit recorded his example in Scripture?

    • Explain: as we seek to obey the Lord, we do not do so in order to earn a place in the new creation. We obey in response to God’s provision.

  • Conclusion

    May the reality of our future inheritance help us to set our hope on the coming of God’s kingdom and not on the things of this world. God is our portion. Let us live in obedience to him in grateful response to his gracious provision.