1. Joshua 16:1–17:18 (ESV)
  2. Application

Revelation of God the Father

Joshua 16:1–17:18 (ESV)

1 The allotment of the people of Joseph went from the Jordan by Jericho, east of the waters of Jericho, into the wilderness, going up from Jericho into the hill country to Bethel.

What does Joshua 16-17 reveal about who God the Father is? The Lord is the giver of the land. Land belongs to him and he is the one who gives it to whom he pleases. By means of the lot, he makes sure that the land is given in the right proportions to the right tribes.

The Lord is faithful to his promises. He promised the land of Canaan to Abraham’s descendants and now he is giving that land to them. He graciously gives his people cities to live in which they did not build or work for.

The Lord is sovereign. He controls who gets what land. He decides where his people must live.

The Lord is powerful to help his people. By raising up godly examples and speaking to his people in his Word, the Lord enables them to serve him in the places where he has placed them.