1. Revelation 15:6 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

To what crowd of angels did these seven belong?

Revelation 15:6 (ESV)

6 and out of the sanctuary came the seven angels with the seven plagues, clothed in pure, bright linen, with golden sashes around their chests.

The tabernacle Moses built was modelled on the pattern of heaven (Exodus 25:40; Hebrews 8:5). In heaven innumerable angels surround God, ready to do his bidding (Psalm 103:20; Revelation 5:11). To represent that reality, Moses embroidered cherubim on the veil that separated the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place (Exodus 26:31; 2 Chronicles 3:14). Of this innumerable host of angels in God’s presence, John now sees seven exiting the heavenly sanctuary of the tent of witness. Their exiting explains the reason why the sanctuary was opened.