2 Peter 1:5 (ESV)

5 For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,

Knowledge certainly includes knowledge of God’s Word, but we should not limit it to this. All knowledge and truth comes from God, and wisdom loves truth. Learning more about God’s creation through study can bolster our fear of the Lord. As Christians we are not anti-intellectual; faith and knowledge are not in opposition to each other. Learning is not bad for faith; it is good and healthy. Having said this, we should realize that most of the education we receive from state enterprises, whether schools or universities, promote a secular worldview and teach knowledge based on the assumption that there is no God and Scripture is unimportant.

When we stop pursuing true knowledge of God, we are on a dangerous road. Often those who fall away from the Christian faith hear something from Scripture which they do not like. As a result they seek to find another church where certain Bible truths are not taught. They start wandering from what God has revealed in Scripture rather than making an effort to grow in knowledge.