1. Exodus 1:19 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Were the midwives lying or stating the truth?

Exodus 1:19 (ESV)

19 The midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife comes to them.”

Some interpreters argue that the midwives were simply stating the truth—if they were sinning by lying, why would God deal well with them (Exodus 1:20)? On this explanation, God providentially granted the Israelites speedy deliveries to protect the midwives. They simply could not carry out Pharaoh’s command and were spared from having to lie about their actions. Furthermore, such easy and quick births would be unsurprising given Israel’s rapid growth (Exodus 1:7, Exodus 1:12).1

However, this does not do justice to the text. Exodus 1:17 specifically says that the midwives “did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.” In other words, they were actively disobeying Pharaoh’s command, yet the midwives make it sound as though they cannot help what is happening. Their answer is clearly intended to mislead and deceive Pharaoh. It is at best a half-truth (if, for instance, they intentionally delayed when attending Hebrew births), if not a wholesale falsehood.