Throughout the chapter, God’s actions remain in the background—he is mentioned directly only in Exodus 1:20–21, where he gives families to the midwives. Strikingly, he does not act to stop the oppression of Egypt nor does he visit his people at this time. Pharaoh has the upper hand. And yet God is not helpless or passive. He blesses Israel with continued growth. He protects them through the actions of Shiphrah and Puah. And he works toward the day when Israel will be delivered from Egypt.
In our own lives, there may be times where God seems absent and we may be tempted to despair. Yet we may trust that God continues to work all things for the ultimate good of his people, just as he did for Israel. He will fulfill his purpose for us and will not forsake the work of his hands (Psalm 138:8).
1 These are the names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob, each with his household: