1. Mark 10:1–12 (ESV)
  2. Application

Mark 10:1–12 and the Trinity

Mark 10:1–12 (ESV)

1 And he left there and went to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan, and crowds gathered to him again. And again, as was his custom, he taught them.

What does Mark 10:1–12 reveal about who God the Father is?

  • From this passage, we learn that God is the Creator of marriage. Marriage is God’s idea. He loves marriage, he made marriage, he does not want marriages to be broken by divorce. What God has joined together man must not separate.

  • In addition, we also learn that God is wise and considerate. He knows that we have hard hearts and that circumstances arise where people seek to break their marital vows and no longer work and live together. In his Word he has made provision for when separation may take place (Matthew 19:9) and how it is to be done (Deuteronomy 24:1–4).

What does Mark 10:1–12 reveal about what God the Son did in my place and on my behalf?

  • This passage indirectly focuses our attention on what Jesus came to do in order to make his church holy. He is the one who came to suffer and die so that his church can be redeemed from their sins and look forward to eternal life in God’s presence. Marriage is meant to be an image of this love and the sacrifice which Christ has made in order to save his church (Ephesians 5:25–33). Jesus has loved me with a love that I do not deserve, now he calls me to love my spouse with that same love.

What does Mark 10:1–12 reveal about what God the Holy Spirit does in me and through me?

  • God the Spirit helps me to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. Since Jesus expects me to honour marriage and do what I can to reconcile with my partner, the Holy Spirit helps me to obey Jesus. He helps me to repent where I have been hurting my spouse, to forgive where my spouse has hurt me. He reminds me that God has placed me in this marriage, and encourages me to work hard at my marriage because that is what God expects from me in response to what he has done for me.