1. Mark 15:40–16:8 (ESV)
  2. Structure and outline

The context of Mark 15:40—16:8

Mark 15:40–16:8 (ESV)

40 There were also women looking on from a distance, among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome.

Mark 15:40 – 16:8 is part of the third and final section of Mark’s Gospel. Garland has labelled this section as Jesus in Jerusalem – The temple, the cross and the resurrection (Mark 11:1 – 16:8).1

In this final section of the Gospel, Jesus no longer avoids the crowds or maintains secrecy. He teaches publicly in the temple where everyone can see him and where he is confronted with opponents (Mark 11:1 – 12:44). Those who dislike Jesus, are jealous of his popularity and wish to have him killed (Mark 11:18; Mark 12:7; Mark 14:1). After spending time in the temple, Jesus then moves to the Mount of Olives, where he predicts the destruction of the temple and then gives his disciples on instructions on what to do during the time leading up to its destruction and how it relates to the return of Christ (Mark 13:1–37).

Finally, Jesus prepares for his death. An unnamed woman anoints him for his burial (Mark 14:1–11), and he has a final meal together with his disciples where they celebrate the Passover (Mark 14:12–26). Then Jesus predicts that his disciples will all abandon him (Mark 14:27–31), after which he moves towards the garden of Gethsemane where he spends time in prayer and preparation (Mark 14:43–52). Jesus is then betrayed by Judas and arrested by a delegation sent by the religious leaders (Mark 14:43–52). He is condemned by them to death as a blasphemer (Mark 14:53–65). Then, he is taken before the political leader, Pilate. On account of a desire to please the crowd, he condemns Jesus to death by crucifixion (Mark 15:1–15). Jesus is mocked by soldiers as he is flogged and taken away towards the cross outside the city walls where he is crucified at 9:00. He dies six hours later at 15:00 (Mark 15:16–39).