1. Zephaniah 1:7 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What does the emphasis on the nearness of the day of the Lord teach us?

Zephaniah 1:7 (ESV)

7 Be silent before the Lord GOD! For the day of the LORD is near; the LORD has prepared a sacrifice and consecrated his guests.

This announcement makes plain that nothing can turn aside the judgment that is coming on that day. Even when the prophet subsequently calls for repentance, he never suggests that the day can be avoided or cancelled out. The only reprieve is perhaps for the pious remnant, who may be hidden on the day of the anger of the Lord (Zephaniah 2:3).

The day could arrive at any time. Judah is now being called simply to prepare for a day of devastation. More often in the prophets, on account of the fact that the day of God’s intervention cannot be predicted, it is always near (Isaiah 13:6; Ezekiel 30:3; Joel 1:15), or close at hand (Joel 2:1).1