1. Amos 2:9–10 (ESV)
  2. Application

Remembering who God is

Amos 2:9–10 (ESV)

9 “Yet it was I who destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars and who was as strong as the oaks; I destroyed his fruit above and his roots beneath.

What is so important every day once again? To ponder who our God is and what he has done for us. Yes, the fear of the Lord (i.e., standing in awe of him) truly is the beginning of wisdom or wise living. Conversely, forgetting the Lord and what he has done for us really is the root of all foolish thinking and foolish living that ultimately leads to ruin.

Forgetting about God is always a process. It is not that one morning you wake up and from that point on you do not even think about God anymore. Rather, it happens over time. Over time prayer and Bible reading become less important. Over time church attendance becomes something that you just have to do. Then you start thinking that going to church once every Sunday is enough, and later you think that it is something you do not have to worry about when you are on holiday, etc. Eventually other things just crowd it out and we no longer have any time for it. At first our conscience bugs us, but then that wears down too and we get used to it.

Our God recalls what he had done. For the sake of his people Israel, he destroyed the Amorites (i.e., Canaanites) completely! Israel as a nation herself did not stand a chance against the mighty Amorites with their giants and their fortified cities, so he took care of it for them—completely! Going back even further, he also delivered Israel out of the hand of the mighty nation of Egypt. Here too, this was something that Israel on her own could never have accomplished…We too need to remember and think: what and where would we be today without Jesus Christ coming into our lives?! We would have no hope in this world. We would be headed for hell. We would have no sense of direction in this world. We would just go along with everyone else's way of thinking—even when this makes no sense...We also would have no real sense of identity or purpose in life. We would have no communion of saints around us…But now that we have Christ, we truly have everything!

Let us remember our God! He sees that, and he delights in that.