Why does our God want Israel to hear and consider this lamentation? The reason is not to rub Israel’s nose in the mud, but to jolt her awake to what is truly coming if she does not repent! Here we see how our God truly pursues his people.
His people might say, Just leave me alone! Quit nagging me,
but he does not do that! Why not? Because he cares with deep care! The last thing he wants to see is disaster coming upon his people. That is also why he comes at us:
via brothers and sisters who admonish us for doing wrong;
in the preaching with sermons that at times can really step on our toes;
via elders appealing to us to change our ways;
via circumstances in our lives that force us to face things and reconsider matters.
1 Hear this word that I take up over you in lamentation, O house of Israel: