Someone who is godly sees and recognizes the hand of God everywhere. When seeing a flower, for instance, such a person sees a lot more than just beautiful petals: he or she also sees the handiwork of our God who created the flowers. People who do not see the handiwork of God are blind to reality. The same counts for true preaching. Those who are not godly hear the preaching and think they are hearing only the voice of a man. A godly person, however, also hears the voice of God himself in the true preaching!
The prophet Amos experienced the opposite. He also preached the Word, but Amaziah saw him simply as a professional prophet who saw an opportunity to earn a living and make some money by preaching in northern Israel. He did not like that preaching and as such told him to be quiet and get out of northern Israel. That changes the picture completely! Amaziah, you are not simply telling me to be quiet, but you in fact are telling the Lord to be quiet.
12 And Amaziah said to Amos, “O seer, go, flee away to the land of Judah, and eat bread there, and prophesy there,