1. 2 Peter 3:2 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Who are the holy prophets that Peter is referring to?

2 Peter 3:2 (ESV)

2 that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your apostles,

Though the words spoken by the holy prophets can refer to the Old Testament Scriptures in a general sense, it most probably has the prophetic Scriptures in view (see Isaiah 15:1; Isaiah 17:1; Isaiah 40:8; Jeremiah 1:1; Jeremiah 5:14; Ezekiel 33:31–32). Since the heretics question the reality of future judgment (2 Peter 3:3–10), it is likely that Peter has in mind the multiple prophetic oracles about this event (as Isaiah 2:4; Isaiah 41:1; Jeremiah 25:3; Joel 3:2, Joel 3:12; Micah 4:3).1 They mocked Christian faith in the return of Christ (similar to what we find in Amos 9:10 and Malachi 2:17) and thus also any and all predictions of divine judgment to come upon them (such as we find in Isaiah 5:18–20; Jeremiah 5:12–24; Amos 9:10).2