1. Judges 11:8 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What is significant about the elders’ words, “We have turned to you now”?

Judges 11:8 (ESV)

8 And the elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, “That is why we have turned to you now, that you may go with us and fight against the Ammonites and be our head over all the inhabitants of Gilead.”

It is helpful to know that the verb for turned can also be translated as turn back or returned. This sounds like they are rewriting history, since they had never left him; instead, they had forced him to leave them. So why do they speak this way? The verb they use is one of the standard expressions for repent in the Old Testament. These men are referring to a change of their minds or attitudes in relation to Jephthah. They adopt the language of repentance.1