1. Habakkuk 3:11 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Habakkuk 3:11 (Summary)

Habakkuk 3:11 (ESV)

11 The sun and moon stood still in their place at the light of your arrows as they sped, at the flash of your glittering spear.

The action of God against the Babylonians brought the sun and moon to a standstill. This makes one think of the prayer that Joshua prayed asking that the sun would stand still and the moon be stopped (Joshua 10:12–13). It appeared as if these created bodies ceased from their activity of shining and reflecting light to observe the fury of God being unleashed upon the Babylonians. The arrows that he shot at them were like flashes of light flying through the air toward them. The use of his spear was like the flash of a lightning bolt striking them. In a battle the soldier is equipped with arrows and a spear which he will use to attack and defeat the enemy. Likewise, as a warrior, God would act so swiftly and decisively as if he were using arrows and a spear so that the Babylonians would not be able to respond quickly enough to defend themselves.