Daniel 9:4 (ESV)

4 I prayed to the LORD my God and made confession, saying, “O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments,

Daniel tells us that he prayed to the Lord. It is only in this chapter of the book of Daniel that we hear the name Lord (Yahweh)—the covenant name. It is striking that Daniel uses this very name in his prayer as he seeks the confidential relationship with God.

The Holy Spirit emphasizes in the book of Daniel that God is the King, the Most High before whom all nations and kings must bow. Here we read of a child of God who goes to the Lord precisely in connection with God’s promises, full of trust and in deep awe. Therefore, Daniel uses the name Lord. Daniel makes it clear that he is praying to the Lord who is the only God—the God who far exceeds everything and everyone. He is the awe-inspiring God. He is so great and awesome, so holy that in coming to him on our part, awe is fitting. Yet he is not the God who is terrifying. In fact, it is he who comes to his people in deep love. It is he who by grace keeps his promises. He is the completely reliable one. God’s goodness, therefore, means that he is there with his loving faithfulness as he has promised. Those who live in love for him and want to live according to his commandments may know that the Lord thus carries them in grace.