1. Genesis 4:4–5 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What does it mean that the LORD paid attention to Abel and his offering, but not to Cain and his offering?

Genesis 4:4–5 (ESV)

4 and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the LORD had regard for Abel and his offering,

God makes a choice. Hebrews 11:4 shows that Abel was one step ahead of Cain in faith (this is also evident from Abel’s conscious choice for excellence in his sacrifice). John also indicates that Cain’s deeds were evil and that refers to deeds that preceded the murder described in this chapter (1 John 3:12). It is noticeable that God reacts modestly to Cain’s sacrifice. He does show that he sees through Cain. He differentiates because these two people as they stand before him differently. Incidentally, it remains unknown how this division of God’s attention came to light. It is apparently enough that we know that Cain noticed it.

God does something with his attention. It is striking that the divine attention for Abel and Cain is paramount (only after this the sacrifice is mentioned). God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7b). That is what God is about. If he finds faith there, your gifts are also pleasing to him. But if there is less faith there, for example, little faith, what does God do? God pays no attention to Cain. He could have done that differently. We can think of Isaiah 42:3, faintly burning wick is not quench by God’s servant. Here he chooses to ignore Cain. He does pay attention to Abel. Did Abel need it more than Cain? Cain seems to be the man in the spotlight in Genesis 4 (mother’s pride, he tackles the earth). It befits God to give extra favour to the despised, the poor, the dependent orphan, and the widow. Is that the reason for the attention to Abel? Or was it a trial for Cain? Or was it confirmation for Abel to continue to believe? We do not know. As the sequel shows, it is about how you respond to God’s choices…