1. Genesis 4:20–22 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What is striking about Lamech’s descendants being inventors?

Genesis 4:20–22 (ESV)

20 Adah bore Jabal; he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock.

The accent is on the great significance of Lamech’s descendants. They were inventors. This is how the word father must be interpreted here. God does not only give his gifts to his children (the woman’s seed). He also uses the world that is averse to him (serpent’s seed) to make his world livable and pleasant (lyre and pype, music). His children can gratefully benefit from this and enjoy it.

In theology, the word common grace is often used here. This means that God gives (special) grace to those who believe in him. He forgives their sin (grace). At the same time, he takes care of the world that turns away from him. He is also good for that part of humanity. Remember Christ’s words about the Father giving sunshine and rain to the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45, see also Acts 14:17; Acts 17:25). He does that to bring them to repentance. His goodness shines in it. Strictly speaking, this cannot be called grace because this attitude of God does not imply forgiveness of sins. An image that is often used for this is that of scaffolding and building. The world is the scaffolding that God uses to help the building of his church and kingdom one day be completed in full glory. The scaffolding is then later dismantled and disposed of.