Mark 1:16–20 (ESV)

16 Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.

Are you a hanger-on in the church or a witness of Christ? Are you satisfied with your place in the church or is it your desire to tell others about Jesus?

Jesus asks people around him: follow me. This is a choice of faith. Because only this guide will take you where you have to be: in God’s kingdom. Your future is in his hand.

Your choice and my choice are preceded by the choice of Jesus. He calls you! It is first of all a privilege that you are called. He wants to have you there! Let that sink in well. The love of God is behind it, also for you personally.

This Jesus has priority in our lives. He stands above your relatives, your money, your career. You cannot just add Jesus to your life.

This Jesus involves us in his work. He uses us. He also trains us. Peter was also allowed to do an internship for three years. In the meantime, it is wonderful that Jesus deploys us as his servants.

Today you do not have to leave everything behind. You can be a witness of Christ in your place, in your street, at work, at school.

So, make yourself available to him. And then discover what comes your way. You can pray that God will bring on your way people to whom you can show the love of Jesus, in deeds and words. “Lord, your light and love shines. Let it also shine in me and shine through me.” He certainly wants to answer this prayer! In this way you are not a hanger-on, but a witness!