1. Leviticus 2:1–16 (ESV)
  2. Structure and outline

The connection of Leviticus 2 to what comes after

Leviticus 2:1–16 (ESV)

1 “When anyone brings a grain offering as an offering to the LORD, his offering shall be of fine flour. He shall pour oil on it and put frankincense on it

Leviticus 2 is part of a larger narrative (chapters 1–7) which deals with various offerings. In this instance, the people of God respond by setting aside the first part of their harvest as an expression of thankfulness to the Lord for his provision and bountiful goodness. The grain offering is one of three sacrifices that produces a pleasing aroma to the Lord (Leviticus 1:9, Leviticus 1:17; Leviticus 2:2, Leviticus 2:9, Leviticus 2:12; Leviticus 3:5, Leviticus 3:16). Additionally, it is interesting to note that the burnt offerings and the grain offerings are often mentioned together in the historical books (Joshua 22:23, Joshua 22:29; Judges 13:19, Judges 13:23; 1 Kings 8:64; 2 Kings 16:13, 2 Kings 16:15).