1. Ezra 4:7–16 (ESV)
  2. Application

Overcoming opposition to the truth

Ezra 4:7–16 (ESV)

7 In the days of Artaxerxes, Bishlam and Mithredath and Tabeel and the rest of their associates wrote to Artaxerxes king of Persia. The letter was written in Aramaic and translated.

You overcome opposition to the truth with the truth, with the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. How did Jesus overcome the temptation of Satan in the wilderness? Would you say that Satan was opposed to the truth? He is probably the number one opposition to the truth. How did Jesus oppose to overcome an opponent of the truth? He used the Word of God. He did not defend it, did he? He just used it, saying it is written... it is written... it is written. The three temptations were reputed by three Scriptures. Do you know your Bible? Do you know the temptations that Satan brings your way? Do you know the Word of God to be able to say, it is written? Do you know what your besetting sins are? Have you memorized Scripture that will help you to overcome when that temptation comes, [so that you can say] it is written...? Be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication and with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God, and the peace of God which surpasses all will be given in Christ Jesus. The question is: is it in your heart? Is it in your head? Can you grab it? Can you use it when you need it? Are you ready and able when the temptation comes to use the Word of God, the truth, to overcome the opposition to the truth?1

Michael Voytek