1. Song of Solomon 5:6 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Song of Solomon 5:6 (Summary)

Song of Solomon 5:6 (ESV)

6 I opened to my beloved, but my beloved had turned and gone. My soul failed me when he spoke. I sought him, but found him not; I called him, but he gave no answer.

Here something happens that can only happen in a dream and not in a marriage where true love prevails through the Holy Spirit. The door opens and her husband does not come to her, but he walks away. This drives the woman absolutely crazy in her dream. When she hears his voice, he does not come to her. She goes after him. She calls out to him and cannot understand what is going on. In her dream she goes into the city—as she had actually done in Song of Solomon 3:1–5.