Psalm 23:5 (ESV)

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Another image is used here for how the Lord cares for all his children. He is a generous host with whom all guests are well looked after. They are not short of anything. Oil and wine flow in abundance. Life close to him is downright delicious. No enemy can come in between. They can only grind their teeth as onlookers. This emphasizes the power of God again. Safety is secured for everyone who seeks refuge with the Lord.

This surprising image of God as host is already visible in Exodus 24:11, where we read that the leaders of Israel ate and drank with the Lord on Mount Horeb. And in the completion of time, there will be an abundant festive meal for everyone who served God in their life on earth (Isaiah 25:6–9). It is so beautiful to be able to look forward to that!