Briefly recall the events at the end of Acts 2:1–47. Comment on the fact that mention was made of the apostles’ miracles and that Acts 3:1–26 serves to give an example of the same. Continue to summarize the events leading up to the miracle. Try to help God’s church get a feel for the context and circumstances in which the miracle took place.
A miraculous healing
Explain: confirm that the healing of the lame man was really a miracle and not just an accident. Also explain that Peter and John wanted to help the man and that they acted out of compassion for him.
Explain: what was the purpose of miracles in the New Testament?
Explain: what does the healing of the lame man show about Jesus’ power and what he will do in the future when he returns in glory?
Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ
Explain: summarize Peter's sermon in such a way that people can understand the logic of the arguments which he makes.
Explain: Peter wants Jewish people to accept that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ. Thus he purposely alludes to several Old Testament titles.
Repentance, confession, and God’s people
Explain: how does repentance serve to define the people of God?
Explain/Apply: what does it mean to confess your faith? Why is this a necessary part of identifying with Jesus?
Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ. He has power to heal and will come again in glory to bring about a complete restoration. The end of suffering, the end of sin, the end of pain will come when he returns. Before then he calls us to join his body, confess that he is our King, and serve him as our Lord.
1 Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.