1. Mark 5:1–20 (ESV)
  2. Structure and outline

The connection of Mark 5 to the previous chapters

Mark 5:1–20 (ESV)

1 They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes.

Jesus has just calmed a violent storm at sea (Mark 4:35–41); he now meets a man with an equally violent storm inside him.1

The disciples had just asked in fear, Who is this man that the wind and seas obey him? Jesus will proceed to show them that his authority extends even to the invisible realm. The healing of the demoniac is the second of a group of four miracle stories (Mark 4:34 – 5:43) which immediately follow Jesus’ teaching at the lake of Galilee in parables (Mark 4:1–34). Seen in their broader context, these miracles serve to vindicate the teaching of Jesus on the kingdom of God.2