This is the beginning of a new book, a book that tells us about the growth of the early church and shows us how the Good News of Jesus went from Jerusalem, to Judea, and then to the ends of the world. Almost like Joshua and the Israelites marching into Canaan, nothing and no one can stop the expansion of God’s kingdom.
This book is meant to encourage us as we consider the great advance of the gospel, but it is also a book that is meant to give us more certainty about Jesus Christ. That was the aim of Luke when he wrote his Gospel and we can assume the same holds true for Acts. God wants us to have certainty that Jesus is the Messiah and that there is eternal life for all those who trust in him.
Before we reflect in detail on what we have read (Acts 1:1-11), consider for a moment: from what you know of Acts, who do you think is the main character?
Jesus Christ is working to establish his kingdom
Explain: even though Acts gives a lot of detail about Peter, Paul, and the Holy Spirit, it is primarily concerned with telling us about the continued works of Jesus Christ. Specifically his work to establish God’s kingdom.
Explain: how did Jesus Christ serve the purposes of God’s kingdom during his life on earth? How is he doing so now that he is in heaven?
Explain: what is to be the task of the apostles? What does it mean for them to be witnesses?
The kingdom of God is now and not yet
Explain: for the moment, the kingdom of God is not an earthly kingdom but a spiritual one, the place where God rules and is acknowledged as King.
Explain: now is not the time of glory but bearing witness. Only when Christ returns will it be the time of glory and the final judgment of those opposed to God.
Supporting the proclamation of God’s kingdom
Apply: we live in the time of now and not yet, the last days in which the kingdom of God (Good News of Jesus Christ) must be proclaimed. We can and must support the proclamation of the kingdom with our prayers, our giving, and our testimony and words.
Explain: how is the ascension of Christ a comfort and encouragement to us as we seek to support the proclamation of the kingdom?
As those who belong to Christ, as those who have heard the witness of the apostles and have been made part of his church, let us give ourselves to the task of supporting and furthering the proclamation of God’s kingdom.
1 In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach,