1. Acts 4:1–12 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Acts 4:1-12

Acts 4:1–12 (ESV)

1 And as they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them,

  • Introduction

    Perhaps reflect on what messages are considered to be scandalous in our day and age? What are some things that we cannot say (even though they are true) because it upsets people? Bridge this idea to our passage with a statement that we will focus on another scandalous message, namely the claim that there is no salvation in anyone but Christ.

  • The apostles under pressure

    • Explain: in your own words, recount the events that have taken place. Try to show why the Jewish council would be upset with the apostles and give people a feel for the tension and drama of the passage. Remember, the apostles were human beings. They would be scared and frightened by a night in jail just like us.

    • Explain: why do the apostles quote from Psalm 118? How does this quotation draw a connection to the words of Jesus and thereby rebuke to Jewish council? 

  • Jesus Christ is the only Saviour

    • Explain: what does it mean for Jesus to be the only Saviour? Why is it that only Jesus can save us from God’s wrath?

    • Explain/Apply: some people might think it is arrogant to claim that Christ is the only Saviour. How should we respond to their objection?

    • Explain/Apply: some people might think it is unfair if Jesus is the only Saviour. How should we respond to their objection?

    • Explain/Apply: what are some other things that people in your area or culture say about Jesus being the only Saviour? How can we respond to their objections?   

  • Conclusion

    The fact that there is only one way to God is a scandalous message which greatly offends our day and age. But it is a message that is full of good news. The good news that there is a way back to God. The good news that exile does not have to be permanent, that there is a way to be saved from his wrath, to be made right in his sight, and to enjoy life in his presence.

    Given this reality, let us not be embarrassed by the words of Peter, and let us take seriously the call to support the proclamation of the gospel. Let us pray for those being trained to become ministers, that they will be equipped to speak God’s truth clearly and boldly. Let us pray that God might grow his church through our witness and invitation, for our friends and family who do not know Christ.