We read that Enoch walked with God. We are to understand that he realized the divine presence…You cannot consciously walk with a person whose existence is not known to you. Enoch’s faith, then, was a realizing faith. He did not believe things as a matter of creed and then put them up on the shelf out of the way, as too many of us do today—he was not merely orthodox in his head—but the truth of God had entered into his heart. What he believed was true to him, practically true, true as a matter of fact in his daily life. He walked with God—it was not that he merely thought of God, that he speculated about God, that he argued about God, that he read about God, that he talked about God—he walked with God, which is the practical and experimental part of true godliness.1
Charles H. Spurgeon
22 Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters.