1. Acts 5:12–16 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Acts 5:12-16

Acts 5:12–16 (ESV)

12 Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the apostles. And they were all together in Solomon’s Portico.

  • Introduction

    Briefly introduce Acts 5:12-16 as the third summary passage regarding the early life of the church in Jerusalem. Mention how it differs from the other two summaries in its focus on the apostles and their work of ministry.

  • The signs and wonders done through the apostles

    • Explain: what were the apostles doing? Where were they meeting?

    • Explain: what was the connection between the miracles being done by the apostles and the preaching of the gospel? This is an opportunity to explain the content of the gospel and the message preached by the apostles.

    • Explain: why were the apostles given power to perform signs and wonders? Should we pray for and expect to see the same miracles taking place today?

    • Explain: how does the Holy Spirit work to confirm the truth of the Bible in our day and age? What does this mean for the focus that we ought to have as a church community?

  • The growth of the church

    • Explain: how were people typically converted in Jerusalem?

    • Explain/Apply: what does it mean for us to be part of God’s church? Can we belong to Christ without belonging to a local body of true believers?

    • Explain/Apply: if we ought to be part of a true church, how should that show itself in terms of the commitments we make during the week (e.g., attendance at worship, bearing with fellow believers in love instead of fighting and keeping our distance etc.)?

  • Conclusion

    The church of Jesus Christ is a gathering of those who have been bought by his blood. Through the preaching of his Word he has worked powerfully in us by his Spirit to give us true faith so that we will submit to him as King and join his body. Let us not be those who chase after the miracles, thinking that God’s Word needs to be verified by signs and wonders. Let us instead be content to trust God’s Spirit to authenticate his Word, knowing that the time of the apostles has come to an end and that we should not expect extraordinary signs and wonders until Christ comes again in glory. And whilst we wait for that day, let us also commit to gathering with God’s people. His body is not an optional extra; we must join ourselves to a true local church where we can serve and be encouraged.