1. Acts 4:13–31 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for Acts 4:13-31

Acts 4:13–31 (ESV)

13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.

  • Introduction

    Consider today's opposition to the church and the Bible? What effect does it have on our lives and the way we feel? What are some of the ways in which we are tempted to respond?

  • Dilemmas for the council and the apostles

    • Explain: in your own words, summarize the dilemmas faced by the Jewish council and the apostles. Try to help church members get a good understanding for the circumstances and thus also the decisions that are made.

    • Explain: why do the apostles pray after they come back to their friends? What does their prayer show about their understanding of their duties toward Christ? How does God confirm that understanding?

  • Jesus Christ strengthens his church

    • Explain: what is the Good News of Jesus Christ and why must it be shared with all people (see Acts 4:12)? How does Jesus ensure that the message of the resurrection continues to be proclaimed despite opposition? 

    • Explain/Apply: what do we learn from the apostles about how we should respond when we face opposition? What do their actions show about the limits of human authority?

  • Conclusion

    Opposition to God is nothing new. In the garden the serpent sought to destroy God’s world when he tempted Adam and Eve. Throughout the Old Testament God’s people were continually opposed by those around them. In the early church things were no different. The Jewish council tries its best to stop the proclamation of Christ. Empowered by the Spirit, however, the apostles commit themselves to Christ and the task which he has given to them. They will not be cowed into silence.

    Let us learn from the apostles and their example. Let us not allow the threats and opposition we face at school, work, or elsewhere to silence our tongues and stop us from confessing Christ. Let us also commit to obedience no matter the cost. And let us do so with the confidence that Christ will help us by the Spirit, and that if we belong to him, he will also confess us before his Father when he comes with his holy angels (Mark 8:38).