John’s vantage point in Revelation 19 is on earth (see Revelation 17:3). From his place on Patmos he had earlier seen a door standing open in heaven and he had been transported from the island through the door into the heavenly temple (Revelation 4:1–2). After his return to earth in Revelation 17:3 (to observe “Babylon the Great” and what became of her), John now sees more than a heavenly door standing open; he sees heaven itself wide open (and, as the Greek has it, staying open)! In Paradise there was regular communion between God and humanity (Genesis 3:8). The fall into sin destroyed that communion (Genesis 3:24). To sinful people on earth heaven is closed. But now, as Jesus’ revelation to John approaches its ending, the Lord opens up heaven itself so that people on earth (be it through the eyes of John) may see the astounding thing happening in heaven, that is, a cosmic victory parade!
11 Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.