1. James 1:9–11 (ESV)
  2. Application

Rejoice in poverty and riches

James 1:9–11 (ESV)

9 Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation,

The blessings of God are also not only to provide for us, but it is also a test of our faith. So what are we called to do by Christ through James? Well, in one word, it is to rejoice—rejoicing in the midst of our test in our station in life. Wherever God has placed you at this present moment, you are called to rejoice. We are commanded to rejoice in our poverty. Why? Because of our high position in Christ. In other words, no matter how much we lack, we have great gain if our eyes and our heart are set upon things above and not on things of the earth…We are also commanded to rejoice in our prosperity, being identified with Christ as a servant of Christ, as a manager of his resources—that we have been entrusted by Christ, with whatever it is we have. Your abilities, your gifts, your talents, your wealth, your possessions do not belong to you; they belong to Christ. He has given them to you to manage them for him. You have been honoured to be a servant of Christ and to manage his resources. What an honour that is! What a privilege that he entrusted into your hand great riches…God has entrusted into our hands great resources and calls us to use them for his glory. Rejoice in this calling to be a servant and a steward, a manager of Christ's resources.1

Michael Voytek