What is it you desire? God says, let it be every good and perfect gift he gives. What is it you desire? Is it something that God already says he gives, or is it something that he says
Michael Voyteknoto—something you cannot have. That is the one tree you cannot eat from. It is not because of anything in itself; it is not evil in itself. It is because I say you cannot have that one. Is that your desire, or do you understand that God has given of all the trees of the garden but that one. What is your desire? It should be for God and for God's grace. God has given to us every good gift and every perfect gift that comes from him, from above. He has given us his Spirit. He has given us his Word. He has given us the work of the Spirit in regeneration. And most of all he has given us himself. All our needs are met in Christ. That is what Paul says in Philippians 4: I am learning in whatever state I am, to be content, whether it be by life or death. Why? Because I am in Christ, in him I find all that I need. That is why James is saying exactly the same thing. What is it you lack, what is it you desire? Seek Christ, in him is the fulfillment of that need or desire; the person of Christ, and the gifts of Christ.1
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.