Joshua 6:1–25 contains a wonderful testimony to God’s grace.
We all deserve the judgment that the people of Jericho received on that day. The evil of the people living in that city is an evil that also resides in our heart. Except for the grace of God, there is no limit to what you and I are capable of.
The salvation of Rahab shows us that the judgment that all people deserve for their sins can be escaped through faith in Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Rahab repented of her sins, pleaded with the Lord for mercy, and trusted him to save her from his wrath.
In the person of Jesus Christ, God has made atonement for the sins of people like Rahab. He has made atonement for the sins of the Israelites, for the sins of all those who belong to him and by true faith are united to Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, the stones of judgment came down upon him. He faced the wrath of God, he faced the terrible judgment and death that sin deserves so that everyone who repents and believes in him will never have to face the coming judgment. And this offer of forgiveness is made to every single person, no matter your ethnicity or language, no matter the shameful secrets which you hide in your heart. God saved a Canaanite prostitute. Through faith in Jesus Christ, God will save you.
1 Now Jericho was shut up inside and outside because of the people of Israel. None went out, and none came in.